
My name is Caroline. I’m a word nerd with a knack for seeking out new adventures on the side. Outside of my job in academic publishing, you can probably find me walking or jogging outdoors (with or without my sprightly dog), cooking up cheesy dishes, lounging around coffee shops, or burying my nose in a novel. I’m Boston-based, but my mind is often wandering into nooks and crannies of all kinds. The relentless daydreamer in me is the inspiration for the title of this blog.

The Overgrown Footpath began as a hastily-developed passion project during the Covid-19 pandemic. My last year of college was approaching, and I found myself with a dearth of new opportunities and activities. I’ve enjoyed transforming the blog from a cluster of ramblings to a polished collection of literature reviews, travel accounts, and more! Whether you’re seeking to glide through the pages of a book, select a vacation spot, or reflect on subjects ranging from the scholarly to the silly, I hope you find something on this blog that resonates with you.

Enjoy my writing! To kick off your journey, here’s a quote from one of my favorite books of all time:

“The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way,

Where many paths and errands meet.”