My Recent Reads and Various Wanderings

Tag: fiction (Page 2 of 2)

Book Review: The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

In a parallel universe, Literary Detective Thursday Next protects the integrity of civilization’s most treasured works of literature as part of British government agency SO-27. Thursday deals with the usual chaotic and untraceable cases assigned to a poorly-run, under-resourced government department—manuscript theft, black market book trades, and the like—until megavillain Acheron Hades enters the scene.… Continue reading

Bad Mothers, Good Patients: A Review of Jessamine Chan’s The School For Good Mothers

“I am a bad mother, but I’m learning to be good.”

This is the mantra that Frida and her fellow moms must recite as they enter a yearlong program that will determine the status of their parental rights. During a “very bad day” in which she leaves her daughter, Harriet, alone for two hours, Frida is reported by her neighbors and finds herself swept away from motherhood by a “new and improved,” hyper-surveillant Child Protective Services program.… Continue reading

Book and Author Articles I’ve Loved This Month: July 2021

Happy August! I’m admittedly a bit late on this list, but as per previous posts, I would like to acquaint you with some wonderful words from wonderful writers on top-tier literature and the latest literary trends. Read on!

Seven Mystery Novels Where The Crimes Are Motivated By Books” (Kate Carlisle, CrimeReads)

selective focus photography of woman holding book

“Books are tangible relics of human history, and showcases of human creativity.”Continue reading

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