My Recent Reads and Various Wanderings

Tag: novel

Book Review: Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

I have maintained a longtime appreciation for historical fiction novels, particularly those which capture characters’ evolving lives against the backdrop of historically significant events. While my mom recommended this coming-of-age story to me a long time ago (exclaiming in the middle of a thrift store that she had to buy me my own copy), it took me a couple of years to begin working my way through all 657 pages of it.… Continue reading

Sisterhood, Secrets, and Scandal: A Review of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility

In Jane Austen’s first published novel, two sisters with very different temperaments experience similar situations: powerful romances followed by devastating heartbreak. The reserved Elinor, whose sense bars her from outwardly expressing her desires, and the passionate Marianne, whose sensibility drives her to wear her heart on the sleeve of her gown, respond to challenges and navigate the nuances of relationships quite dissimilarly, prompting a fascinating exploration of the ways in which a person’s personality shapes their success and social outcomes.… Continue reading

God’s Green Earth or Humanity’s Hellscape? A Review of Matt Bell’s Appleseed

In his genre-bending novel Appleseed, Matt Bell offers an ambitious take on the horror of a climate doomed past the point of saving. As he lays out three storylines that transcend the traditionally distinct categorizations of fantasy, fable, sci-fi, and climate fiction, readers are invited into a world whose slow destruction by forces of human greed and exploitation is painfully familiar.… Continue reading